📅 🖥 June 25, 2020: Exploring Virtual Open Space Events w/ MIT’s Unhangout Application

TL; DR: Exploring Virtual Open Space Technolgy — A Live Virtual Meetup on June 25, 2020

How do we run a virtual open space event or BarCamp with a large number of participants? Principally, we could use break-out rooms for organizing the sessions. The question is, though, how do we ensure that the law-of-two-feet still applies? By making everyone a co-host? Probably not the best idea in some situations.

Let us hence check out an MIT application that claims to provide precisely the solution we are looking for — Unhangout.

📅 🖥 June 25, 2020: Exploring Virtual Open Space Events w/ MIT’s Unhangout Application — Hands-on Agile Meetup #24
Continue reading 📅 🖥 June 25, 2020: Exploring Virtual Open Space Events w/ MIT’s Unhangout Application

Hands-on Agile 2019 Conference — Survey Results Are in: It’s Berlin by 2:1

Hands-on Agile 2019 Conference

Almost three years into building this community, I believe we might now have achieved the critical mass to organize a great conference — the Hands-on Agile 2019 Conference. Currently, I would target the second quarter of 2019 for the first Hands-on Agile conference. To reduce complexity, I would plan for Berlin as its location although London might be an alternative.

Update 2018-12-11: Join the Agile Camp Berlin 2019: April 26–27, 2019, see below.

Continue reading Hands-on Agile 2019 Conference — Survey Results Are in: It’s Berlin by 2:1

Agile Challenge Poll: Your #1 Issue at the Moment

What Is the Most Important Agile Challenge You Are Facing At the Moment?

Everyone of us is dealing with numerous issues related to becoming, improving or even staying Agile every day. I would like to learn more about the spectrum of your Agile challenges. If you invest three minutes of your time, that would mean the world to me:

Click to complete the Agile Challenge Survey at Google Forms

Continue reading Agile Challenge Poll: Your #1 Issue at the Moment