Food for Agile Thought #434: Product Management Theater, Fighting Unemployment, The Strategy Stack, From Conflict to Negotiation

TL; DR: Product Management Theater — Food for Agile Thought #434

Welcome to the 434th edition of the Food for Agile Thought newsletter, shared with 42,302 peers. This week, Marty Cagan, in discussion with Lenny Rachitsky, critiques “product management theater” and the pandemic-induced over-hiring of PMs, offering solutions in his book, “Transformed.” Johanna Rothman advises unemployed agilists on transitioning to impactful roles, while Kurt Bittner and Pierre Pureur advocate combining Agile and Lean in software architecture for sustainability. Also, Fred Wynyk suggests using the Reverse Conway Maneuver to align organizational structures with software architecture goals for innovation, and we delve into Sprint anti-patterns.

Then, Roman Pichler introduces the Strategy Stack, a framework designed to align and clarify business and product strategies for better strategic execution. Itamar Gilad challenges the stereotypes limiting product manager roles, promoting the concept of a ‘Full-Stack PM’ who leads with a blend of strategy and user-centric innovation. At the same time, David Pereira critiques the growing popularity of Product Ops, advocating for role simplification over expansion to tackle fundamental issues. Moreover, Roger Martin discusses how AI impacts strategic thinking, suggesting that while generative AI can streamline the progression from mystery to algorithm, it risks oversimplifying complex heuristics.

Lastly, Derek Jones delves into the intricacies of software effort estimation in 2024, highlighting the role of individual risk profiles. Tanmay Vora shares William Ury’s methods for turning workplace conflicts into constructive negotiations, and Barry Overeem presents ten Retrospective formats based on the Agile Team Effectiveness Model, designed to enhance team improvement processes with Liberating Structures. Finally, Morgan Housel discusses the drawbacks of high intelligence, such as overconfidence and resistance to simpler solutions, challenging the notion that more intelligence directly correlates with better outcomes.

Food for Agile Thought #434: Product Management Theater, Fighting Unemployment, The Strategy Stack, From Conflict to Negotiation —
Continue reading Food for Agile Thought #434: Product Management Theater, Fighting Unemployment, The Strategy Stack, From Conflict to Negotiation

Sprint Anti-Patterns

TL; DR: Sprint Anti-Patterns Holding Your Teams Back

Welcome to Sprint anti-patterns! This article covers the three Scrum accountabilities (formerly roles) and addresses interferences of stakeholders and IT/line management with this crucial Scrum event. Moreover, I added some food for thought. For example, could a month-long Sprint be too short for accomplishing something meaningful? And if so, what are the consequences?

Sprint Anti-Patterns Holding Back Scrum Teams —
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Food for Agile Thought #433: The Right Product Idea, Accountability & Safety, Mitigating Product Risk, Self-Management Transition

TL; DR: The Right Product Idea — Food for Agile Thought #433

Welcome to the 433rd edition of the Food for Agile Thought newsletter, shared with 42,271 peers. This week, Jeanette Mellinger provides a guide for customer discovery to support your search for the right product idea, while Marc Abraham discusses building high-performing teams, as seen in Christina Wodtke’s book. Tom Hunsaker highlights execution gaps in change initiatives based on a study of 257 firms. Joost Minnaar suggests a self-management transition for organizations. Plus, we share strategies to navigate the Agile job crisis, emphasizing skill refinement, networking, and community support for growth and success in the Agile field.

Then, Paweł Huryn and Aakash Gupta interview Marty Cagan, sharing insights on transitioning to product operating models, stressing empowerment and product discovery. Jason Cohen addresses AI startups’ unique challenges against incumbents, underlining the need for innovative strategies, and Phil Vander Broek discusses AI development risks, advocating for technical research and iterative learning to enhance product education. Lastly, Ant Murphy discusses the power of niching down, using Square, Lululemon, and Amazon as examples, and introduces the Niche Canvas tool for market segmentation and strategic growth.

Lastly, Dr. Amy Edmondson and Dr. David Rock dismantle the myth that psychological safety and accountability can’t coexist in high-performing teams. Gabriel Robaina and Kieran Murphy share insights from their experiment on daily pair rotation in programming, highlighting its enhanced benefits and addressing common concerns. Moreover, Carmen DeCouto presents ten essential metrics for assessing freemium and free trial performance, focusing on comprehensive customer and product insights. Finally, we explore the concept of entropy, clarifying its role in increasing life’s complexity and its integral connection to the passage of time.

Food for Agile Thought #433: The Right Product Idea, Accountability & Safety, Mitigating Product Risk, Self-Management Transition -
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Navigating the Agile Job Crisis: Strategies for Success

TL; DR: How to Deal with the Agile Job Crisis

While the current Agile job crisis is apparent, there is also hope for practitioners willing to refine their skills, share knowledge, and network with peers.

This article outlines actionable strategies for thriving in challenging times, emphasizing that growth and success are achievable by leveraging community strength and readily accessible resources. Check out also how I can support you on your journey below.

Navigating the Agile Job Crisis: Strategies for Success —
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Food for Agile Thought #432: Agility Creates Valuable Firms, Product Focus, Down Paying Tech Debt, Balancing LTV and CAC

TL; DR: Agility Creates Valuable Firms — Food for Agile Thought #432

Welcome to the 432nd edition of the Food for Agile Thought newsletter, shared with 42,247 peers. This week, Steve Denning reveals how agility creates valuable firms by focusing on customer value and empowerment. Matt Van Itallie and Cassidy Williams discuss the importance of addressing tech debt for improved outcomes. Also, Tom Kerwin and John Cutler present strategies for leaders in complexity, advocating for innovation through embracing uncertainty. Stephanie Ockerman critiques productivity culture’s impact on agility, suggesting a shift towards outcome-focused approaches.

Then, Richard Mironov emphasizes the importance of product leaders providing support for product managers to focus by using strategic refusals. David Pereira explains the necessity of balancing customer lifetime value and acquisition costs for sustainable growth and profitability. Moreover, Lea Hickman and Marty Cagan critique the “theater” in product management and leadership that blocks true transformation, while Itamar Gilad critiques the “hype economy” in tech, arguing for an evidence-guided approach over salesmanship for smarter product decisions and a healthier organizational culture.

Lastly, Tanmay Vora addresses the pitfalls of misapplying metrics in line with Goodhart’s Law, advocating for a balanced approach of qualitative and quantitative measures to ensure desired behaviors. Douglas Squirrel introduces the “Elephant Carpaccio” concept from his talk, and Wes Kao champions the practice of Super Specific Feedback (SSF) on work outputs, underlining the importance of precise, actionable advice for elevating team performance and decision-making skills.

Food for Agile Thought #432: Agility Creates Valuable Firms, Product Focus, Down Paying Tech Debt, Balancing LTV and CAC —
Continue reading Food for Agile Thought #432: Agility Creates Valuable Firms, Product Focus, Down Paying Tech Debt, Balancing LTV and CAC