Food for Agile Thought #179: Agile Dogmas, Innovative Culture Paradoxes, Overcoming Inertia, and Risk-Aversion

Food for Agile Thought’s issue #179—shared with 20,968 peers—questions agile dogmas, we bust more Scrum myths and learn why innovative cultures are paradoxical.

We also explore how to avoid the building trap or to become a feature factory; we learn how to free ourselves from the shackles of inertia and risk-aversion, and we have our gut feeling confirmed that fixed scope, fixed time projects can go only one way—south.

Lastly, we learn what kings, and queens, and knights, and trolls have to do with agile transitions. (Yub, GoT is coming.)

Did you miss last week’s Food for Agile Thought’s issue #178?

Food for Agile Thought #179: Agile Dogmas, Innovative Culture Paradoxes, Overcoming Inertia, and Risk-Aversion

🏆 The Essential Read

Gary Pisano (via Harvard Business Review): Innovation Isn’t All Fun and Games — Creativity Needs Discipline

Gary Pisano believes that innovative cultures are misunderstood. For example, he thinks that experiments require discipline, that tolerance for failure requires an intolerance for incompetence, and that collaboration needs to be balanced with individual accountability.

Agile Dogmas & Scrum

Dave Nicolette (via Leading Agile): Questioning Agile Dogma

Dave Nicolette challenges five agile dogmas from the Agile Manifesto and asks how they could probably be still valid today.

Christiaan Verwijs (via Myth: The Product Backlog is Maintained Exclusively by the Product Owner

Christiaan Verwijs busts another myth—that no one except the Product Owner can touch the Product Backlog.

Gerbrand Colombier (via Medium): Our agile Transition at Adsdaq

Gerbrand Colombier lets us participate in Adsdaq’s journey to become an agile organization, employing knights, and castles, and dragons.

📅 86 Percent of Tickets Sold — Agile Camp Berlin 2019: April 26–27, 2019

The Agile Camp Berlin 2019 will happen from April 26 to April 27, 2019. The ACB19 venue will be the Evangelische Schule Berlin Zentrum right in the middle of Berlin.

Agile Camp Berlin 2019

Experience two energizing days with 200 agile peers focusing on community, sharing, and learning. Moreover, I am particularly excited that we will dedicate the second day to practicing games and exercises—from Liberating Structures to paper snowflakes and airplanes to building castles with 50 other folks, you have never met in your life!

Prices for the remaining tickets start at € 109 incl. VAT.

Product & Lean

Jeff Gothelf (via The Startup): Fixed time, fixed scope projects always end in 1 of 3 ways. None of them good.

Jeff Gothelf points at the three common outcomes of a command & control driven project. (There is a fourth one: reducing quality thus cutting corners.)

Teresa Torres (via Product Talk): Prioritize Opportunities, Not Solutions

Teresa Torres points at the fallacy of many product teams that calculating a prioritization score is the way to create value for the customers.

(via Corporate Rebels): Break Free And Create An Experiment-Friendly Workplace

Corporate Rebels point at how to overcome an organization’s inertia, risk-avoidance, and lack of engagement.

📺 Join 1,150-plus Agile Peers on Youtube

Now available on the Age-of-Product Youtube channel:

✋ Do Not Miss Out and Learn about Agile Dogmas: Join the 4,775-plus Strong ‘Hands-on Agile’ Slack Community

I invite you to join the “Hands-on Agile” Slack Community and enjoy the benefits of a fast-growing, vibrant community of agile practitioners from around the world.

Large scale agile: Join the Hands-on Agile Slack Group

If you like to join all you have to do now is provide your credentials via this Google form, and I will sign you up. By the way, it’s free.

Scrum Master Interview Question: free download of the most popular ebook on Scrum Master job interviews — by Age-of-Product

🗞️ Last Week’s Food for Agile Thought Edition

Read more: Food for Agile Thought #178: Agile Transition Failures, Coaching Pitfalls, Product Canvas, Mitigating Product Risk

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