Food for Agile Thought #145: Make Agile Work, Graphic Facilitation, Managing HIPPOs

Food for Agile Thought’s issue #145—shared with 17,732 peers—addresses how to make agile work for you, how graphics can massively improve your facilitation skills, and how you can identify friends and foes with an organizational design analysis.

We also get a better understanding of Kanban Cadences, how to sell and prioritize non-feature work such as refactoring, and why merely shipping code does not mean you understand the philosophy of Kaizen.

Lastly, learn new tips and trick on how to deal with HIPPOs and their pet projects in your organization.

Have a great week!

Food for Agile Thought #145: Make Agile Work, Graphic Facilitation, Managing HIPPOs

🏆 The Tip of the Week: Make Agile Work à la Jeff Patton

Jeff Patton (via Mind The Product): Owning Agile

Jeff Patton deconstructs ‘agile’ from a product manager’s view and shares what he did to make it work for him.

Make Agile Work & Scrum

Luca Morovián (via UX studio): How To Hold Better Meetings With The Help Of Graphic Facilitation

Luca Morovián explains what graphic facilitation is about and how you can use it to improve your daily meetings and workshops instantly.

David Mastronardi (via Gamestorming): Organizational Design Analysis

David Mastronardi introduces an activity from visual thinker Yuri Mailshenko to identify your stakeholders and understand how they feel about your work.

(via Kanbanize Blog): Kanban Cadences for Aligning Communication

Radoslaw Orszewski provides an introduction to Kanban Cadences, a suggested network of meetings, fostering proper bi-directional communication.

Join the Scrum Master Trends Survey 2018 — An Anonymous Poll by and Age of Product

The purpose of this the anonymous Scrum Master Trends Survey is to create a clear, data-backed benchmark that allows everyone in the agile community to get an understanding of Scrum Masters, their background, how they got there and where their compensation falls in comparison to others in the community.

Scrum Master Trends Survey 2018 — Join and Age of Product

By the way, the report will cover Scrum Masters as well as Agile Coaches, both employed and freelancing.

Join Scrum Master Trends the survey now: Scrum Master Trends Survey.

Product & Lean

Teresa Torres (via Product Talk): The Art of Managing Stakeholders Through Product Discovery

Teresa Torres on HIPPOism or the frustrating reality of managing stakeholders above your pay grade.

John Cutler (via Medium): Prioritizing “Non-Feature” Work and Continuous Improvement

John Cutler shares his approach to advocate for, prioritize, and put a dollar figure on non-feature work.

Des Traynor (via Intercom): How to make product improvements

Des Traynor explains why merely shipping code does not mean your product is continuously improving.

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Note: All webinars are aired from 06:00 to 07:00 PM CEST. (That is 12:00 to 01:00 PM EDT or 09:00 to 10:00 AM PDT.)

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🗞️ Last Week’s Food for Agile Thought Edition

Read more: Food for Agile Thought #144: Internet Trends 2018, Iceberg of Ignorance, Misunderstanding Kanban, Amazon Prime.

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