Food for Agile Thought #105: Business Agility, Continuous Delivery, Amateurs & Professionals

Food for Agile Thought’s issue #105—shared with 10,523 peers—covers continuous delivery, the growing commercialization of agile ideas — also known as business agility —, and helpful engineering practices like ‘skin in the game.’

There is also an excellent post on the difference in mindset between amateurs and professionals. (The article is helpful for team-building as well as stakeholder issues.)

Lastly, the Gartner Hype Cycle 2017 is out, the interview script to identify problems worth solving was also updated, and finally, someone wrote a brief guide to experience maps of all kinds.

Have a great week!

Food for Agile Thought #105: Business Agility, Continuous Delivery, Amateurs & Professionals

🏆 Tip of the Week: Continuous Delivery Does Not Work Here

Jez Humble (via Agile Alliance): Continuous Delivery in Agile

Jez Humble presents some of the highlights and lowlights of the past six years listening to people explain why continuous delivery won’t work.

Business Agility & Scrum

Ron Jeffries: ‘Business Agile’: Built Upon Sand

Ron Jeffries describes his concerns with the ‘Business Agility’ trend at Agile2017.

Josef Langerman: Towards System Resilience: An Organisational Cheat Sheet

Josef Langerman provides a cheat sheet on engineering practices to improve system resilience—from ‘skin in the game’ to blameless retrospectives.

(via Farnam Street): The Difference Between Amateurs and Professionals

Shane Parrish on the difference in mindset between amateurs and professionals.

John Ferguson Smart: The Art of Building Autonomous Teams

John Ferguson Smart on why autonomy so hard to get right, particularly in large organization.

From the Blog: How to Improve Stand-ups [Guest Post]

You’re at another painfully slow stand-up meeting. It feels like it’s never going to end. You begin thinking to yourself, “if I casually sneak out, will anyone notice?” Stand-ups don’t have to be this way. Learn how to improve stand-ups in this guest post from Jonathan Weber.

Business Agility: How to Improve Stand-ups by Jonathan Weber

Read More: How to Improve Stand-ups [Guest Post]

Product & Lean

(via Gartner, Inc): Gartner Identifies Three Megatrends That Will Drive Digital Business Into the Next Decade

Gartner Inc.’s Hype Cycle 2017 reveals three clear megatrends that will enable businesses to survive and thrive in the digital economy.

Ash Maurya: Find Better Problems Worth Solving with the Customer Forces Canvas

Ash Maurya updates his interview script for uncovering problems worth solving.

Jackie Bavaro (via Medium): How we build products at Asana—The Product Process: From Inception to Launch

Jackie Bavaro shares the checklist that accompanies Asana’s product creation process.

Aarron Walter (via Co.Design): ‘Fail Fast’ In Software Design Is A Myth

Aarron Walter suggests—instead of failing fast—to ‘succeed fast’ by taking the guesswork out of the product design process.

Eran Davidov (via Medium): We are All Product Owners! An Impact Guide for Engineers (and everyone else)

Eran Davidov, Head of Growth Engineering at Lyft, on the difference between companies that value either shipping or impact.

(via WhatUsersDo): A brief guide to user experience maps in all their various forms

WhatUsersDo provides an excellent overview to different experience maps.

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