Customer Care as a Litmus Test for Innovation and Agile Change

TL; DR: Customer Care as a Litmus Test for Innovation and Agile Change

Customer care as an entity, its function, and status within a company, can act as a good litmus test for a company’s culture, its product management, and thus its potential for innovation and agile change.

If customer care is regarded solely as a cost center that needs to be outsourced, agile change is unlikely to happen in that organization.

Age of Product: Customer Care as a Litmus Test for Innovation and Agile Change
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Ebookmakr Failure: The Fallacy of Knowing What to Build – The Post Mortem

Executive Summary – Lessons Learned from Ebookmakr’s Failure:

  1. Love the problem more than your solution.
  2. Don’t push too far your dreams of China in your hand.
  3. Use prototyping tools such as Marvel when running user interviews. (More here: Four Lessons Learned From Making Customer Value Your Priority.)
  4. Be careful with the selection process for user interviews: You might end up picking those that will support your vision – it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy trap.
  5. Beware of false positives in user interviews.
  6. Never start writing a single line of code before an appropriate number of customers signed up. (For clarification: Customers are paying users.)
  7. Never spend money on developing a prototype when you’re not working full-time on growing the user-base and increasing customer value.
  8. Be patient and give your product the time it needs.
  9. Always make branded t-shirts and wear them later regularly to preserve the recollection of the disaster. (See below.)
Continue reading Ebookmakr Failure: The Fallacy of Knowing What to Build – The Post Mortem

User Testing the Lean Way – Hands-on Agile Series

🏖 & 📖: Free Download of ‘Lean User Testing’ as a Kindle Ebook

Summer 2019 is coming, and I like to give away two Kindle ebooks you might consider adding to your reading list. From today until next Monday, that is June 20–24th, 2019, ‘Lean User Testing’ will be available for free on Amazon: Download your copy of ‘Lean User Testing’ now. [Advertising.]

Free Download of ‘Lean User Testing’ as a Kindle Ebook

Check also for ‘How to Get Hired as A Scrum Master.’ This title is also available for free in Amazon’s Kindle shop.

📕 Hands-on Agile: Lean User Testing — A Pragmatic Step-by-Step Guide to User Tests

If you believe in agile software development and delivering value to your customers and your company, reading this book is the right decision as it will greatly support your process to identify and create valuable, feasible and usable products.

Lean User Testing is available as a Kindle ebook and as paperback.

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Anwendertests der schlanken Art: Lean User Testing – Hands-on Agile Series

Lean User Testing: Die Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung für selbst organisierte Anwendertests

Wer sich der agilen Softwareentwicklung verschrieben hat, wer Werte für seine Kunden und das eigene Unternehmen schaffen sowie Fehlinvestitionen in vermeintliche Killerfeatures bzw. -produkte vermeiden will, kommt ohne Anwendertests nicht aus und trifft mit der Lektüre dieses Buchs die richtige Entscheidung.

Lean User Testing: Die Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung für selbst organisierte Anwendertests
Continue reading Anwendertests der schlanken Art: Lean User Testing – Hands-on Agile Series