Webinar #7: Scrum Sprint Anti-Patterns [Video]

TL;DR: Webinar #7: Scrum Sprint Anti-Patterns

The seventh Hands-on Agile webinar Scrum Sprint Anti-Patterns analyzed 12 ways a Scrum team can improve its effectiveness by avoiding typical sprint anti-patterns. Learn more about gold-plating, delivering Y instead of X, absenteeism, side-gigs, and organizing people instead of the flow of work.

Scrum Sprint Anti-Patterns Hands-on-Agile Webinar #7

Continue reading Webinar #7: Scrum Sprint Anti-Patterns [Video]

Webinar #2: Agile Maturity and Agility Assessment [Video]

TL;DR: Webinar Agile Maturity and Agility Assessment

Is agile maturity a fad or a trend? How can an organization make an informed decision on what level of agility might become achievable before starting a transition?

Our second webinar addressed the question of agile maturity and detailed the survey results on what indicates an agile organization. Moreover, we introduced the ‘Agility Assessment Framework’ open source project which aims to provide agile practitioners with the tools needed to answer these questions.

Webinar Agile Maturity and Agility Assessment — April 24th, 2018

Continue reading Webinar #2: Agile Maturity and Agility Assessment [Video]