Three Wide-Spread Product Owner Failures in 6:09 Minutes—Making Your Scrum Work #5

TL; DR: Three Wide-Spread Product Owner Failures

There are plenty of Product Owner failures. Given that Scrum is a framework with a precise and concise yet short “manual,” this effect should not surprise anyone.

Explore with me three widespread examples of how Product Owners fail their team in three short video clips, totaling 6 minutes and 9 seconds.

Three Wide-Spread Product Owner Failures in 6:09 Minutes—Making Your Scrum Work #5 —
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Product Backlog Defense – Common Patterns of Stakeholder Interference

TL; DR: Product Backlog Defense

Make no mistake: Your Product Backlog is the last line of defense preventing your Scrum Team from becoming a feature factory; hence Product Backlog defense is vital: Figure out a process that creates value for your customers. Moreover, have the courage — and the discipline — to defend it at all costs.

Product Backlog Defense —
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Product Backlog Anti-Patterns Q&A

TL; DR: Product Backlog Anti-Patterns Q&A

A few weeks, hosted a webinar on Product Backlog anti-patterns with me, which left several questions unanswered as we ran out of time. Hence please find following my answers to the additional 18 questions I could not answer during the webinar Product Backlog anti-patterns Q&A session.

Making Your Scrum Work: Product Backlog Anti-Patterns Q&A —
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A Forensic Product Backlog Analysis — Making Your Scrum Work

TL; DR: A Forensic Product Backlog Analysis (Part 1)

Garbage in, garbage out: No matter whether your team chose Scrum for the right purpose—solving complex, adaptive problems. No matter whether your Scrum Team’s product quality is top-notch or whether your teammates embrace self-management to the fullest. If your Product Backlog is not up to the job, all of these accomplishments will account for little, as your team will provide less value to its customers than possible. Here is where the forensic Product Backlog analysis steps in, a light-weight, simple practice to help Product Owners and Scrum Masters unearth anti-patterns that led to your low-value Product Backlog.

Learn more on how a piece of paper and a pencil can turn around the perception of your Scrum Team among stakeholders and customers.

Making Your Scrum Work—The Product Backlog Forensic Analysis —
Continue reading A Forensic Product Backlog Analysis — Making Your Scrum Work

Liberating Structures for Scrum (3): The Product Backlog

TL; DR: The Liberating Structures Product Backlog Meetup

The fourth Liberating Structures for Scrum meetup addressed the Product Backlog, more precisely the issues with Product Backlogs that subsequently cause Sprint Plannings to fail and Scrum Teams to deliver below their capabilities; as the saying goes: garbage in, garbage out.

Liberating Structures Product Backlog — Hands-on Agile Meetup #14 by
Continue reading Liberating Structures for Scrum (3): The Product Backlog