Product Backlog Refinement — Agile Transition Part 2

TL; DR: Product Backlog Refinement

Where to start when kicking-off an agile transition?

Usually, tools and processes are smallest the common denominator among all participants, as they are at the core of the grand scheme of agile things.

It is a rare occasion that you start from scratch with a brand-new team without an existing product, probably even in a more or less nascent organization, for example, a startup.

In most cases, an existing product delivery organization with available products, and services will go “agile“. In this case, turning attention to the available product backlog is a pragmatic first step. The following process describes what aspects need to be attended to optimize the outcome.

Continue reading Product Backlog Refinement — Agile Transition Part 2

Customer Care as a Litmus Test for Innovation and Agile Change

TL; DR: Customer Care as a Litmus Test for Innovation and Agile Change

Customer care as an entity, its function, and status within a company, can act as a good litmus test for a company’s culture, its product management, and thus its potential for innovation and agile change.

If customer care is regarded solely as a cost center that needs to be outsourced, agile change is unlikely to happen in that organization.

Age of Product: Customer Care as a Litmus Test for Innovation and Agile Change
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