The Agile Metrics Survey 2021

TL; DR: The Agile Metrics Survey 2021

If you value agile practices, it is crucial to know if a job offering or a prospective business partner that claims to be “agile” really keeps its promises. Unfortunately, as agility usually cannot be observed directly, and certainly not from the outside of an organization, there is no way of knowing in advance if you will enter an agile environment that serves your own working needs or if a lot of frustration lies ahead of you. Therefore, we ran an extensive survey throughout 2020 and 2021 with more than 1,000 participants from all walks of agility: the Agile Metrics Survey 2021.

With the Agile Metrics Survey 2021, we present the first results and conclude with some thoughts about possible application scenarios of our instrument as well as possible next steps in our research.

Agile Metrics Survey 2021 — Berlin Product People GmbH

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If you value agile practices, it is crucial to know if a job offering or a prospective business partner that claims to be “agile” really keeps its promises. Unfortunately, as agility usually cannot be observed directly, and certainly not from the outside of an organization, there is no way of knowing in advance if you will enter an agile environment that serves your own working needs or if a lot of frustration lies ahead of you.

Therefore, we ran an extensive survey throughout 2020 and 2021 with more than 1,000 participants from all walks of agility. With the Agile Metrics Survey 2021, we present the first results and conclude with some thoughts about possible application scenarios of our instrument as well as possible next steps in our research.

Agile Metrics Survey 2021 — Berlin Product People GmbH

Download your copy of the Agile Metrics Survey 2021 now:

Free: The Agile Metrics Survey 2021

Download the free Agile Metrics Survey 2021 and learn how your organization’s use of metrics compares to other organizations.

The Agile Metrics Survey is based on over 1,100 contributions.

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    Agile Metrics Survey 2020

    TL; DR: The Agile Metrics Survey 2020

    Let’s stop guessing and start crowdsourcing data and information on this critical topic: Who is using what metrics under which context to what success? Participate in the agile metrics survey now.

    Update 2020-12-14: We have joined forces with, a German consultancy specializing in statistical analysis, and we plan to take the study to the next level. The Agile Metrics Survey already complies with academic standards. However, what we need now is more participants to improve the sample size.

    So far, we have more than 750 contributors; let’s strive for 1,000 contributions by the end of January 2021 and aim to publish the report by the end of March 2021!

    👉 🔬 Start your contribution now!

    Agile Metrics Survey 2020 —

    Continue reading Agile Metrics Survey 2020