Food for Agile Thought #148: Unagile SAFe®, Making Self-Organization Work, PMO Strikes Back

Food for Agile Thought’s issue #148—shared with 17,986 peers—focuses on unagile SAFe ®, how the PMO strikes back, and whether ‘agile’ makes sense at all.

We learn from Marty Cagan that most large organization do not (yet) understand the different concepts of project-orientation vs. product-orientation. Which is a good reason to also dive into the particularities of enterprise product management.

However, there is hope: K2K managed to turn more than 70 organizations into self-organizing flourishing entities. Learn how this happened.

Have a great week!

Food for Agile Thought #148: Unagile SAFe ®, Making Self-Organization Work, PMO Strikes Back

🏆 The Essential Read

Lisa Gill (via Medium): 10 Components that Successfully Abolished Hierarchy (in 70+ companies)

Lisa Gill describes the lessons learned by K2K from transforming 70 traditional organiztions to self-managing organizations.

Unagile SAFe ® & Scrum

John Cutler (via Hackernoon): Agile Makes No Sense

John Cutler reasons about the many issues, problems, challenges, and other anti-patterns in the wake of a transition of an organization to agile practices.

Renee Troughton: Why SAFe® is not the scaled Agile approach you need

After years, Renee Troughton is still looking for a SAFe® project that is considered an outstanding success by the senior management.

Bob Galen: Is Agile in Late Adoption Stage?

Bob Galen challenges the idea that ‘agile’ is already in a late state of adoption.

⁉️ Survey—Join 215 Peers: What Are You Doing the Whole Day as a Scrum Master of One Team?

In other words: What are your regular chores as a scrum master supporting a single team?

Rumor has it that a great scrum master supports one team at a time. If that is true, how do you spend your time with the team members helping them to become self-organizing? Let’s gather some data and answer the question! (This survey is anonymous.)

Survey: What Are You Doing the Whole Day as a Scrum Master of One Team?

Join 215 peers and participate in the survey now: What Are You Doing the Whole Day?

Product & Lean

Marty Cagan: Revenge of the PMO

Marty Cagan on the PMO empire striking back in the form of unagile SAFe ®.

Rich Mironov: Understanding Enterprise Product Companies

Rich Mironov points at the differences between B2B and B2C product companies.

Lillian Ayla (via Why Design Thinking is failing and what we should be doing differently

Lillian Ayla believes that design thinking overburdens the creative folks due to the inevitable distraction by layman stakeholders.

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🗞️ Last Week’s Food for Agile Thought Edition

Read more: Food for Agile Thought #147: Business Agility by Scaling Agile, Beyond Budgeting, How to Say No.

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