Food for Agile Thought #139: Self-Organization at Haier, Fear and Trust, Contra Metrics, Sunk Costs

Food for Agile Thought’s issue #139—shared with 16,718 peers—reports on Haier’s organizational principles that encourage self-organization and entrepreneurship lifting the company at one level with Zappos, Patagonia or Semco.

We also analyze how fear prevents psychological safety, we address the metrics fetish and learn why even these fail to avoid sunk costs in product development.

Lastly, we ask: Is the manifesto of agile software development in need of an overhaul?

Have a great week!

Food for Agile Thought #139: Self-Organization at Haier, Fear and Trust, Contra Metrics, Sunk Costs

🏆 The Tip of the Week

(via Knowledge @ Wharton): Self-Organization: For Haier’s Zhang Ruimin, Success Means Creating the Future

Haier’s CEO Zhang believes that the Rendanheyi model — a concept that encourages entrepreneurship and empowers every department to operate like a micro-enterprise — is a crucial pillar of its success.

In this process, we eliminated 10,000 middle-level managers who didn’t create value for the users.

Self-Organization, Agile & Scrum

Michael Küsters: Want trust? Deal with fear!

Michael Küsters provides a causal loop diagram modeling the relationship between trust and fear.

Jerry Z. Muller (via Aeon): Against metrics: how measuring performance by numbers backfires

Jerry Z Muller analyzes the ‘metric fixation’ and the resulting belief that the best way to motivate people is by attaching rewards and penalties to their measured performance.

Andrea Fryrear (via Marketing Insider Group): Agile Transformation: As Told By Gifs

And now for something completely different: Andrea Fryrear does not provide new insights. However, illustrating the dreaded topic with all the animated GIFs will make you smile.


Paint the World Green — Join the FlixBus Agile Journey!

FlixBus, one of Europe’s most successful and fastest growing startups is looking for agile coaches (m/f), that are as passionate as we, to support our people and business to sustainably deliver highest customer value.

For us, agility is not only about tools and processes, but even more about the right values, culture, and mindset. We strive to motivate our teams by creating an environment of purpose, mastery, and autonomy based on a foundation of mutual trust.

Age of Product: Paint the World Green — Join the FlixBus Agile Journey!

Apply now: Paint the World Green — Join the FlixBus Agile Journey!

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Product & Lean

Andrew Evershed (via Medium): Sunk Cost Sinks Ships

Andrew Evershed of Shopify describes products that do not fail but lack focus and hang around because they are hard to kill.

Bob Marshall: How Well Does the Agile Manifesto Align with Principles that Lead to Success in Product Development?

Bob Marshall reports on Tom Gilb’s recent article why the Agile Manifesto needs an overhaul.

Itamar Gilad (via Hackernoon): The Tool that Will Help You Choose Better Product Ideas

Itamar Gilad explains a product or feature prioritization model created by Sean Ellis: ICE scores.

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Last Week’s Food for Agile Thought Edition

Read more: Food for Agile Thought #138: Large-Scale Agile, BDD Treaties, First Principles, Working w/ Engineers.

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