Food for Agile Thought #116: Agile Experiments, Starting Standups on Time, Rebuilding Trust

Food for Agile Thought’s issue #116—shared with 12,576 peers—covers agile experiments, and how to free yourself from five failure anxieties when transitioning to agile.

We also learn how to motivate people to be on time (without playing Bob Marley), and how to rebuild trust in a product and engineering team.

Lastly, we learn from Julian Birkinshaw—Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the London Business School—about Agile’s impact on strategy.

Have a great week!

Food for Agile Thought #116: Agile Experiments, Starting Standups on Time, Rebuilding Trust

🏆 The Tip of the Week

Linda Rising (via GOTO Conferences): GOTO 2017 • Experiments, the Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful

Linda Rising talks about cheap, simple experiments, what to do, and what to be aware of, including our cognitive biases.

Agile Experiments & Scrum

Mike Cohn: The Five Biggest Fears About Transitioning to Agile

Mike Cohn takes the fear factor away from five things that might make you want to run for cover along with your agile journey.

Ken Rubin: Motivating People to Be on Time

Do you have a problem starting your standups on time? Then Ken Rubin can offer a remedy.

(via Zalando Technology): Agile Fails

Samir Hanna and Samir Keck take a closer look at some of the misconceptions surrounding ‘agile.’


Raisin Is Looking for an Agile Coach (m/f) in Berlin

Raisin’s goal is to become the leading one-stop shop for simple savings and investment products across Europe within the next few years.

We are working cross-functionally with 11 chapters and 4 squads. Now, we are looking for a motivated and driven Agile Coach (m/f), who brings are agile processes to the next level.

Find more information about the position and send us your application here.

Want to know who we are and see some videos? Then check out our career page.

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From the Blog: Product Discovery Anti-Patterns

From sunk costs, HIPPO-ism, my-budget-my-features to self-fulfilling prophecies — learn more about the numerous product discovery anti-patterns that can manifest themselves when you try to fill Scrum’s product discovery void.

Food for Agile Thought #116: Agile Experiments, Starting Standups on Time, Rebuilding Trust

Read More: Product Discovery Anti-Patterns Leading to Failure.

Product & Lean

Giff Constable (via Medium): Rebuilding Trust in a Product Organization

Giff Constable shares his experience at Axial how to regain the trust of an organization in the product and engineering team.

Steve Denning and Julian Birkinshaw (via Agile Alliance): Business Agility Webinar: Episode 5

Steve Denning and Julian Birkinshaw of the London Business School host a webinar on the effect of Agile on strategy.

Justin Baker (via Hacker Noon): Silicon Valley’s Top Product Managers Use Feature Flags — And You Should Too

Justin Baker on how to control releases and accelerate the product lifecycle.

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