Food for Agile Thought #143: Ignorant Management, The Better Scrum Master, Building the Right Thing

Food for Agile Thought’s issue #143—shared with 17,473 peers—covers the pain of scrum teams working for ignorant management and improves our problem-solving capacity thanks to mental models from the circle of competence to Hanlon’s razor.

We applaud Mike Cohn for sharing ten practices, a scrum master should take to heart, and we learn how to create an agile community of practice and why that is a critical success factor. Also, we embrace the idea of guerilla user testing and building an information radiator for your team.

Lastly, we enjoy Des Traynor’s talk about figuring out what is worth building and taking it from there with style.

Have a great week!

Food for Agile Thought #143: Ignorant Management, The Better Scrum Master, Building the Right Thing

🏆 The Tip of the Week: Ignorant Management

Sjoerd Nijland (via Medium): We Do Scrum but … Our Management Doesn’t

Sjoerd Nijland reflects on the chasm — and the resulting anti-patterns — between a Scrum team and its management that does not have a clue what Scrum is.

Scrum & Ignorant Management

(via Farnam Street): General Thinking Tools: 9 Mental Models to Solve Difficult Problems

Shane Parrish presents nine mental models to support your problem-solving capabilities.

Mike Cohn: Be a Better Scrum Master: 10 Practices to Take to Heart

The top 10 scrum master tips, distilled by Mike Cohn from 20 years of hands-on practice.

Kim Scott (via Radical Candor): Rolling Out Radical Candor: Part One

Kim Scott shares a detailed concept how to roll out ‘radical candor’ as a feedback principle to your organization without a budget.

📯 How to Create an Agile Community of Practice

Creating an agile community of practice helps winning hearts and minds within the organization as it provides authenticity to the agile transition — signaling that the effort is not merely another management fad. Read more to learn how to get your agile community going even without a dedicated budget.

How to Create an Agile Community of Practice — Age of Product

Read more: How to Create an Agile Community of Practice.

Product & Lean

Des Traynor (via This Week In Startups): Des Traynor explains exactly how to ’Build the Right Thing’

Des Traynor explains how product discovery works and how to scale strategically with principles, values, and mission.

Justin Mifsud: Guerrilla Usability Testing: How To Introduce It In Your Next UX Project

Emily Grace Adiseshiah points at guerrilla usability testing as an affordable and fast way to identify user trends and observe user behavior.

Craig Strong: The Wonder Wall – Communicating the What, Who, Why and When

Craig Strong suggests a format for a team information radiator.

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🗞️ Last Week’s Food for Agile Thought Edition

Read more: Food for Agile Thought #142: Corporate Innovation Failure, Flow Metrics, Bad Behavior, Design Thinking, JTBD Canvas.

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