A Sprint Review without Stakeholders — Making Your Scrum Work #3

TL; DR: A Sprint Review without Stakeholders

There are plenty of failure possibilities with Scrum. Given that Scrum is a framework with a reasonable yet short “manual,” this effect should not surprise anyone. A Sprint Review without stakeholders may create an unhealthy bubble for the Scrum Team due to the disconnect, thus resulting in lower effectiveness.

Join me and explore the reasons and the consequences of stakeholders avoiding participating in the Sprint Review in less than 150 seconds.

A Sprint Review without Stakeholder — Making Your Scrum Work #3 — Age-of-Product.com

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Three Wide-Spread Scrum Master Failures in 5:31 Minutes—Making Your Scrum Work #1

TL; DR: Three Wide-Spread Scrum Master Failures

There are plenty of Scrum Masters failures. Given that Scrum is a framework with a precise and concise yet short “manual,” this effect should not surprise anyone.

Explore with me three widespread examples of how Scrum Masters fail their team in three short video clips, totaling 5 minutes and 31 seconds.

Three Wide-Spread Scrum Master Failures in 5:31 Minutes — Making Your Scrum Work — Age-of-Product.com

Continue reading Three Wide-Spread Scrum Master Failures in 5:31 Minutes—Making Your Scrum Work #1

Product Backlog Anti-Patterns Q&A

TL; DR: Product Backlog Anti-Patterns Q&A

A few weeks, Scrum.org hosted a webinar on Product Backlog anti-patterns with me, which left several questions unanswered as we ran out of time. Hence please find following my answers to the additional 18 questions I could not answer during the webinar Product Backlog anti-patterns Q&A session.

Making Your Scrum Work: Product Backlog Anti-Patterns Q&A — Age-of-Product.com

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Remote Agile: Practices and Tools [Video]

Watch the Replay of the Remote Agile Practices & Tools Live Virtual Class

At the end of March, we ran a Remote Agile Practices & Tools class with about 30 participants from all over Europe, the Eastern Seaboard, and Canada. The participants agreed on recording it and make it available to the agile community. We edited the recording slightly; for example, we removed the waiting time during the exercise timeboxes. Otherwise, the video accurately reflects how one way of collaborating with a distributed team using Zoom breakout rooms may work.

Remote Agile: Practices and Tools [Video] — Age-of-Product.com

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