Agile Software Development – Workshop in Berlin on October 22nd, 2015

Hi! We are Martin and Stefan, and we would like to invite you – in cooperation with medianet berlinbrandenburg – to our workshop on Agile Software Development, taking place October 22nd, 2015, in Berlin.

What is the “Agile” in Software Development Actually About?

Agile software development is much more than a hype from Silicon Valley. It has been a proven way to develop better software for about two decades. “Agile” is characterized by an iterative approach to building new applications, that is based on “a flexible, holistic product development strategy where a development team works as a unit to reach a common goal”. (Source: Wikipedia, license: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike.)

In other words…

It’s all about being able to postpone the decision on whether to build a new feature to the latest economically feasible moment, once you validated your hypothesis – that this very feature is adding value – is true. This way, you avoid wasting resources on features that no one is interested in, thus mitigating the investment risks.

The Benefits of Agile Software Development

Agile software development saves time and money and delivers valuable, usable and feasible software. “Agile” will focus your product and engineering team on outcome and value, and not just mere output. Agile software development also significantly improves the predictability of a software project, e.g concerning release dates, and thus reducing the risk of failure significantly. Your marketing and sales departments will highly appreciate this kind of reliability.

Agile software development will provide you consequently with a much better return on investment. Which, for example, also means that your startup will enjoy more runway to the next funding round, increasing its valuation along that way.

Age of Product Workshop: Agile Software Development for Starters in Berlin 15.10.2015

The Workshop Details

First of all: Participating in the workshop does not require being a product manager or engineer – on the contrary!

So, better software, faster and less expensive – sounds great, right? And we will teach you how you can achieve this, too. Our agile software development workshop is based on a real project, not just Lego: We will be building the prototype on a mobile app. You will learn how:

  • To figure out the features of the prototype. (We will use a technique called User Story Mapping for this.)
  • To write corresponding user stories
  • To build a backlog of user stories that will lead to the prototype
  • To build the prototype with Marvel App
  • To run estimations, stand-ups & sprints – in other words: We will practice all important agile rituals
  • To build an offline board, so that you can immediately start applying all your learnings back at the office. (By the way, “Agile” works with a lot of projects, not just software development.)

Read also: No More LEGO® At Agile Workshops – I Am Tired Of Building Airports

Who Should Attend This Workshop on Agile Software Development?

The workshop is recommended for everyone, who has a vested interest in agile software development. For example:

  • Engineers
  • Product managers
  • UX and UI designers
  • Managers that to have feature built and
  • Startup founders, of course.

When And Where Will the Workshop Take Place?

The agile software development workshop will take place on:

October 22nd, 2015 at the Mobilesuite, Pappelallee 78/79 in 10437 Berlin, between 9:00 am and 17:30 pm

Ticket purchase information

All you have to bring is a smartphone with Marvel App preinstalled. Lunch, beverages as well as snacks are included.

If you are a member of medianet berlinbrandenburg, please check the medianet event page first to claim your membership advantage.

Your Agile Coaches

We have combined more than 30 years of professional software development experience. We have been working as product owner (CSPO), head of product, Scrum Master (CSM), agile coach or as a developer, head of engineering, CTO and Scrum Master (CSM) as well. To our customers belong well-known startups as well as stock-listed corporations.

Martin Rothenberger


Martin is a senior software and system engineer, agile coach, technical interim manager and geek with over 16 years of professional experience, specializing in e-commerce, social networking, large scale web applications, and environments. He convoyed several well-know startups from the very beginning to the point of delivering successful products and services. Also, Martin is working as a consultant for tech incubators and large corporations, supporting them with in-depth knowledge and experiences in agile development processes, designing large scale web applications and environments as well as recruiting successful and motivated IT teams. He loves the thrill, excitement, and challenges that each new project brings – in particular, the work with new startups or fast-growing ventures, going from a small IT gang to a high-performing IT team. Connect with Martin on LinkedIn.

Stefan Wolpers


Stefan has been working for almost 20 years in product management – he designed one of the first e-commerce shop systems with SAP integration back in 1995/6 – and as an agile coach. During that time, he has been working on B2C as well as B2B software, mainly for startups, including a former Google subsidiary or his own software companies. He is specializing in supporting organizations to transition to Agile methodologies, Scrum and Lean Startup as a lean change practitioner. He’s a Certified Scrum Product Owner, the founder of Age of Product and author of Lean User Testing – A Pragmatic Step-by-Step Guide to User Tests. Connect with Stefan on LinkedIn or Twitter.

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