Transformed Meets the Scrum Guide

TL; DR: Transformed & Scrum

Despite criticism from the product community regarding Scrum as a framework for effective product creation, namely Marty Cagan himself, I believe that it is worthwhile to compare the principles that help form successful product teams with those of Scrum. Let’s delve into an analysis of “Transformed” and how its principles align with Scrum’s.

Let’s delve into how Scrum matches the five key product principles identified by Paweł Huryn in Transformed —

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Minimum Viable Library (2) — Product Owner Edition

TL; DR: The Minimum Viable Library Product Owner Edition

The Minimum Viable Library Product Owner edition is available! Explore a series of carefully curated collections of essential books, newsletters, podcasts, and tools to elevate your agile expertise.

Read on and learn how the recommendations for Product Owners cover a wide range of topics, including product management, product discovery, escaping the feature factory, and aligning with critical stakeholders.

Minimum Viable Library Product Owner Edition —

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Minimum Viable Library (1) — Scrum Master Edition

TL; DR: The Minimum Viable Library for Scrum Masters

The Minimum Viable Library is available! Explore a series of carefully curated collections of essential books, newsletters, podcasts, and tools to elevate your agile expertise.

Read on and learn how the recommendations for Scrum Masters cover a wide range of topics, including Scrum, servant leadership, customer value creation, coaching teams, improving team dynamics through Retrospectives, and navigating agile enterprise transformations.

Minimum Viable Library — Scrum Master Edition —

Continue reading Minimum Viable Library (1) — Scrum Master Edition

Agile Leadership: 10 Hidden Gems to 10X Your Leadership Game

TL; DR: 10X Your Agile Leadership Game with 10 Affordable Books

Agile leadership is tricky, covering a lot of ground, from team building, decision-making, servant leadership, and self-management to including everyone and giving everyone a voice—to name a few of the challenges.

In the past, I found the following books beneficial to better understand the problem and solution space agile leadership. Moreover, you can significantly improve your leadership game as Scrum Master, agile coach, or manager for less than $ 200—an excellent investment from a professional perspective.

Agile Leadership: 10 Hidden Gems to 10X Your Leadership Game —

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Accelerate: Building and Scaling High-Performing Technology Organizations [Review]

TL;DR: Accelerate

Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble, and Gene Kim latest book Accelerate: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations [advertising] describes the factors that drive high-performing tech organizations, derived from the data that has been aggregated with the State of DevOps Report since 2014.

Accelerate: Building and Scaling High-Performing Technology Organizations

Accelerate” [advertising] is a must-read book for anyone involved in building agile organizations and teams. It lays out a path to success based on a statistical analysis of data. It also puts an end to the popular narrative that ’becoming agile’ is somehow a fuzzy process. The data shows that there are patterns at all levels that successful agile organizations share.

In other words: becoming agile can be data-driven. (A hypothesis that I shared in How to Measure Agility of Organizations and Teams—The Results of the Agile Maturity Survey earlier.)

Continue reading Accelerate: Building and Scaling High-Performing Technology Organizations [Review]