ChatGPT 4: A Bargain for Scrum Practitioners?

TL; DR: ChatGPT 4: A Bargain for Scrum Practitioners?

When OpenAI released its new LLM model GPT-4 last week, I could not resist and signed up for $20 monthly. I wanted to determine whether ChatGPT 4 is superior to its predecessor, which left a good impression in recent months; see my previous articles on Scrum, Agile, and ChatGPT.

I decided to run three comparisons, using the identical prompt to trigger answers from the new GPT-4 and previous GPT-3.5 models. Read on and learn what happened. It was not a foregone conclusion.

ChatGPT 4: A Bargain for Scrum Practitioners? —

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Definition of Done: Business Agility Abhors Technical Shoddiness

TL; DR: The Definition of Done: Business Agility & Technical Excellence

Most of the time, stakeholders are not interested in how we solve their problems as long as we ethically play by the rules. Instead, they are interested in the regular delivery of valuable Increments as these pave the road to business agility. However, there is no business agility without technical excellence, which brings us to today’s topic: the importance of an actionable Definition of Done.

Learn more about twelve success principles of employing such a Definition of Done as a Scrum team to help your organization become agile.

Definition of Done: Business Agility Abhors Technical Shoddiness —

Continue reading Definition of Done: Business Agility Abhors Technical Shoddiness

Definition of Done Theses: 10 Simple Principles of a Critical Scrum Success Factor

TL; DR: Definition of Done Theses

Given the importance of a viable Definition of Done for a Scrum team’s success, it has always puzzled me how complacent or ignorant many Scrum teams are regarding their Definition of Done. So, let me share with you the ten first principles of this critical Scrum success factor to improve your team’s effectiveness, team spirit, and reputation.

Definition of Done Theses: 10 Simple Principles of a Critical Scrum Success Factor —

Continue reading Definition of Done Theses: 10 Simple Principles of a Critical Scrum Success Factor