11 Proven Stakeholder Communication Tactics during an Agile Transition

TL; DR: 11 Proven Stakeholder Communication Tactics

Stakeholder communication: It is simply not enough for an agile product development organization to create great code and ship the resulting product like a clockwork. It would help if you also talked about it, particularly at the beginning of your endeavor to becoming a learning organization. Marketing your journey to the rest of the organization—and thus securing their support, collaboration, and buy-in—is a critical success factor to step up the transformation game: You want to become agile, not “do agile.”

Learn more about eleven proven stakeholder communications tactics that contribute to making this happen.

11 Proven Stakeholder Communication Tactics during an Agile Transition — Age-of-Product.com

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The Big Picture of Agile: How to Pitch the Agile Mindset to Stakeholders

TL;DR: The Big Picture of Agile

Let’s face it: While your enthusiasm for the big picture of agile practices is admirable, your stakeholders will most likely be moved by one thought only at the beginning of the transition: “What’s in for me? How will I now have my requirements delivered?”.

Read on and learn about one way how to kick-off the transition to a learning organization by pitching a simplified version the big picture of agile practices to your stakeholders first.

Continue reading The Big Picture of Agile: How to Pitch the Agile Mindset to Stakeholders