TL; DR: Can ChatGPT 4.0 Create Scrum Master Interview Questions?
Previously, I tested how ChatGPT would answer questions from the Scrum Master Interview Guide; see below. Back in January 2023, I would not have taken the next step in the Scrum Master interview process, inviting ChatGPT to a full-size interview with several Scrum team members.
So, if the GPT 3.5 or 4.0 models still need to be better to pass the interview hurdle, what about their capability to create similar interview questions? Enjoy the following article on my excursion into creating Scrum Master interview questions with ChatGPT.
TL; DR: 60 ChatGPT Prompts for Agile Practitioners
ChatGPT can be an excellent tool for those who know how to create prompts. The simplest form of prompting ChatGPT is to feed it the task and ask for results. However, this approach is unlikely to trigger the best response from the model.
Instead, invest more time in prompt engineering, and provide ChatGPT with a better context of the situation, desired outcomes, data, constraints, etc. The following article offers a primer to creating ChatGPT prompts for Scrum practitioners to get you started running. You will learn:
Prompt engineering basics
Prompt engineering with services like PromptPerfect
Using ChatGPT for prompt engineering. (Yub, that works, too.)
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ChatGPT can be an excellent tool for those who know how to create prompts. The simplest form of prompting ChatGPT is to feed it the task and ask for results. However, this approach is unlikely to trigger the best response from the model.
Instead, invest more time in prompt engineering, and provide ChatGPT with a better context of the situation, desired outcomes, data, constraints, etc.
The free ‘60 ChatGPT Prompts for Scrum Masters & Product Owners Guide’ will help you learn to do that:
Example ChatGPT Prompts for Scrum Masters
Prompt: “I want you to act as an experienced Scrum Master. Please [insert your task here.]”
Examples of tasks:
Provide tips for facilitating effective Sprint Planning meetings.
Summarize the outcome of the Daily Scrum with the following data: [Your data.]
Design a Retrospective.
Design a Retrospective with stakeholders from [Stakeholder departments.]
List strategies for resolving team conflicts and promoting a healthy work environment.
Recommend activities to make Sprint Retrospectives engaging and productive.
Summarize the outcome of the Retrospective with the following data: [Your data.]
Create tips for coaching and supporting the Product Owner in Product Backlog refinement.
Explain the benefits and drawbacks of different estimation techniques.
Suggest how to help the Scrum team balance technical debt and new feature development.
Finally, should everything fail, there is another nifty trick: You can use ChatGPT to create ChatGPT prompts!
Learn more by downloading the complete 60 ChatGPT Prompts Guide!
The following article explores whether we can use ChatGPT-4 to create workshops for agile practitioners; for example, Scrum Masters. While Liberating Structures have simplified the task, workshop design with ChatGPT may provide an alternative.
As you will learn, and despite being prone to lapse into project management speak, ChatGPT is remarkably capable of doing so, provided we feed it suitable prompts. Whether this requirement gives ChatGPT an edge over manually creating workshops remains to be seen.
TL; DR: Creating a Personal Readme for Scrum Masters with ChatGPT
Providing a personal readme to your new teammates and stakeholders as a Scrum Master is a great way to build trust and rapport while managing expectations at the same time. I do so regularly and having a template for that purpose comes in handy.
Therefore, I thought it also might be an excellent exercise to test ChatGPT on more practical aspects of a Scrum Master’s work. So please follow the complete path to having ChatGPT create a decent personal readme template for Scrum Masters—which took me less than 20 minutes.
TL; DR: ChatGPT 4: A Bargain for Scrum Practitioners?
When OpenAI released its new LLM model GPT-4 last week, I could not resist and signed up for $20 monthly. I wanted to determine whether ChatGPT 4 is superior to its predecessor, which left a good impression in recent months; see my previous articles on Scrum, Agile, and ChatGPT.
I decided to run three comparisons, using the identical prompt to trigger answers from the new GPT-4 and previous GPT-3.5 models. Read on and learn what happened. It was not a foregone conclusion.