An Agile Coaches Guide to Storytelling — Bob Galen at the 53. Hands-on Agile

TL; DR: Hands-on Agile #53: An Agile Coaches Guide to Storytelling with Bob Galen

On September 5, 2023, we had the opportunity to listen to Bob Galen on “An Agile Coaches Guide to Storytelling.” In this session, Bob shared his experience coaching an agile coach struggling to connect with a development manager. He underscored the transformative impact of incorporating personal narratives, lessons learned, teaching stories, and purpose or vision stories into coaching conversations. Moreover, Bob demonstrated the compelling power of storytelling in agile coaching by using stories to share knowledge and wisdom while fostering dialogue.

An Agile Coaches Guide to Storytelling — Bob Galen at the 53. Hands-on Agile

📺 Watch the video now: An Agile Coaches Guide to Storytelling — Bob Galen at the 53. Hands-on Agile.

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Wild West to the Agile Manifesto — Jim Highsmith at the 52. Hands-on Agile Meetup

TL; DR: Hands-on Agile #52: Jim Highsmith & the Agile Manifesto

On August 17, 2023, we had the opportunity to interview Jim Highsmith about his path to agile product development: From Wild West to the co-authoring the Agile Manifesto.

Wild West to the Agile Manifesto — Jim Highsmith at the 52. Hands-on Agile —

📺 Watch the video now: Jim Highsmith & the Agile Manifesto — Hands-on Agile 52.

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How Elon Musk Would Run YOUR Business mit Joe Justice — Hands-on Agile EXTRA

TL; DR: How Elon Musk Would Run YOUR Business with Joe Justice

Joe Justice worked for Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk.

In this Hands-on Agile meetup, Joe shared DX, or Digital Transformation, the agile operating system for TeslaSpeed—a term coined by the EU Commission to talk about how fast Tesla moves and how fast they need to move now.

How Elon Musk Would Run YOUR Business mit Joe Justice — Hands-on Agile EXTRA —

📺 Watch the video now: How Elon Musk Would Run YOUR Business mit Joe Justice — Hands-on Agile EXTRA.

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How much Product Discovery Is Enough? Itamar Gilad’s Confidence Meter

TL; DR: Evidence-guided Product Discovery Using Itamar Gilad’s Confidence Meter

How much product discovery is enough? Figuring out what is worth building often feels valuable in and of itself. The problem is that becoming stuck in an endless discovery cycle neither solves your customers’ issues nor contributes to your organization’s sustainability. Don’t worry; help is on the way in the form of Itamar Gilad’s Confidence Meter!

How much Product Discovery Is Enough? Itamar Gilad’s Confidence Meter —

📺 Watch the video now: How much Product Discovery Is enough? Itamar Gilad’s Confidence Meter Explained — Hands-on Agile #47.

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Engage the Agile Fluency® Model with Diana Larsen — Hands-on Agile #46

TL; DR: Hands-on Agile #46: Engage the Agile Fluency® Model with Diana Larsen

On October 12, 2022, agile innovator Diana Larsen delved into the Agile Fluency® Model. After a short introduction to the model, we shifted to an ask-me-anything-style discussion of the groundbreaking view of agile and teams.

Engage the Agile Fluency® Model with Diana Larsen — Hands-on Agile #46 —

📺 Watch the video now: Engage the Agile Fluency® Model with Diana Larsen — Hands-on Agile #46.

Continue reading Engage the Agile Fluency® Model with Diana Larsen — Hands-on Agile #46

FAST Scaling: An Innovative Way to Scale Agile with James Shore — Hands-on Agile #45

TL; DR: Hands-on Agile #45: FAST Scaling: An Innovative Way to Scale Agile with James Shore

In this energizing 45th Hands-on Agile session, James Shore shared his experiences with scaling “agile:” first with traditional approaches and, more recently, with FAST scaling. Learn in this deep-dive what works, what doesn’t, and how you can try FAST in your organization.

James Shore: FAST: An Innovative Way to Scale — Hands-on Agile #45 —

📺 Watch the video now: James Shore: FAST: An Innovative Way to Scale — Hands-on Agile #45.

Continue reading FAST Scaling: An Innovative Way to Scale Agile with James Shore — Hands-on Agile #45