Scrum Master Career: How to Get Hired as a Scrum Master

🏖 & 📖: Free Download of ‘How to Get Hired as a Scrum Master’ as a Kindle Ebook on Amazon

Summer 2019 is coming, and I like to give away two Kindle ebooks you might consider adding to your reading list. From today until next Monday, that is June 20–24th, 2019, ‘ How to Get Hired as a Scrum Master’ will be available for free on Amazon: Download your copy of ‘How to Get Hired as a Scrum Master’ now.

Check also for ‘Lean User Testing.’ This title is also available for free in Amazon’s Kindle shop.

TL;DR: Scrum Master Career: How to Get Hired as a Scrum Master

Scrum Master Career: How to Get Hired as a Scrum Master: From Job Ads to Your Trial Day — Learn How to Pick the Right Employer or Client details how Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches can systematically identify suitable employers or clients to avoid mismatches and disappointments at a later stage. If you are planning a career move into the Scrum Master profession, don’t miss out on these tips.

Scrum Master Career: How to Get Hired as a Scrum Master is currently available as a Kindle ebook. Shortly, the paperback version will be available, too.

Scrum Master Career: Finding Agile Organization Worth Working for

Too often, companies advertise open positions for Scrum Masters or Agile Coaches in a way that does not reflect the state of the adoption of agile principles correctly. This often unintended mishap can lead to mismatches which, sooner or later, will likely cause disappointments on all sides—employer, Scrum Master, and Scrum team.

This book helps to avoid this outcome by providing a hands-on guide that allows Scrum Masters or Agile Coaches to figure out in advance or during the application process whether an organization is a suitable employer or client.

Who Should Read ‘Scrum Master Career: How to Get Hired as a Scrum Master?’

No matter, if you are a product manager, a former engineer or a project manager: if you are looking to change your career and become a scrum master or agile coach, ‘Scrum Master Career: How to Get Hired as a Scrum Master?’ will help you land a meaningful position.

Becoming “agile”  is nowadays on the top of the agenda of many C-level executives. Their world is dominated by a paradigm shift, by the thought that software is eating the world, and that the speed of innovation is ever increasing. Probably, a startup has already been founded that will disrupt their business in a few years. Hence, becoming “agile”— even when most organizations do not have an understanding of what this means — is so crucial at the moment. And to do so, you will need to hire scrum masters and agile coaches, a trend that provides numerous job opportunities.

‘Scrum Master Career: How to Get Hired as a Scrum Master’ is a hands-on guide for everyone interested in finding a suitable position as a scrum master or agile coach at an organization that already is agile or at least has a chance of adopting an agile mindset successfully over time.

‘Scrum Master Career: How to Get Hired as a Scrum Master?’ covers all three phases that a candidate faces:

  1. Identifying a suitable employer or client — the principles of this book are equally applicable for freelancers —,
  2. Preparing for and passing the job interview,
  3. Arranging for the trial day.

The book also points to sources of background information and includes large repositories of both interview questions (including answers) as well as anti-patterns to look out for. Additionally, I address what equipment you should bring to your trial day, and where to get real-time help from thousands of your peers.

About the Author Stefan Wolpers

Stefan has worked many years as a product manager, product owner, and agile coach (Scrum, LeSS, Lean Startup, Lean Change). He’s founded multiple companies and has led the development of B2C and B2B software, primarily for startups, but also for other organizations — including a former Google subsidiary. He is a steward of the XSCALE Alliance and an XBA Exponential Business Agility Coach (XBAC).

Stefan curates Food for Agile Thought — the largest weekly newsletter on agile product development with more than 13,000 subscribers. He also hosts the largest global Slack community for agile people ‘Hands-on Agile’ with more than 2,200 members. (As of January 2018.)

📕 Get the Book!

Scrum Master Career: How to Get Hired as a Scrum Master is currently available as a Kindle ebook. Shortly, the paperback version will be available, too.

Update 2018-12-15: The Replay of the Webinar Scrum Master Anti-Patterns Is Available

The video of the webinar is available now:

Note: If the browser will not start the video automatically, click here to watch the replay of the webinar Scrum Master anti-patterns directly on Youtube.

📅 Scrum Training Classes, Workshops, and Events

You can secure your seat for Scrum training classes, workshops, and meetups directly by following the corresponding link in the table below:

Date Class and Language City Price
🖥 💯 🇬🇧 April 23-24, 2024 GUARANTEED: Professional Scrum Master (Advanced) Training (PSM II; English; Live Virtual Class) Live Virtual Class €1.189 incl. 19% VAT
🖥 💯 🇬🇧 May 7, 2024 GUARANTEED: Hands-on Agile #61: Toyota Kata Coaching for Agile Teams & Transformations with Fortune Buchholtz (English) Live Virtual Meetup FREE
🖥 💯 🇩🇪 May 14-15, 2024 GUARANTEED: Professional Scrum Product Owner Training (PSPO I; German; Live Virtual Class) Live Virtual Class €1.299 incl. 19% VAT
🖥 🇬🇧 May 28-29, 2024 Professional Scrum Master (Advanced) Training (PSM II; English; Live Virtual Class) Live Virtual Class €1.189 incl. 19% VAT
🖥 💯 🇬🇧 June 6, 2024 GUARANTEED: Hands-on Agile #62: From Backlog Manager to Product Manager: From Outputs to Outcomes w/ David Pereira (English) Live Virtual Meetup FREE
🖥 💯 🇬🇧 June 13-July 11, 2024 GUARANTEED: Advanced Product Backlog Management Cohort Class (PBM; English; Live Virtual Cohort) Live Virtual Class €399 incl. 19% VAT
🖥 🇩🇪 June 25-26, 2024 Professional Scrum Product Owner Training (PSPO I; German; Live Virtual Class) Live Virtual Class €1.299 incl. 19% VAT

See all upcoming classes here.

You can book your seat for the training directly by following the corresponding links to the ticket shop. If the procurement process of your organization requires a different purchasing process, please contact Berlin Product People GmbH directly.

Stefan Wolpers: Stefan, based in Berlin, Germany, has worked for 18-plus years as a Product Manager, Product Owner, agile coach, and Scrum Master. He is a Professional Scrum Trainer (PST) with Scrum.org and the author of Pearson’s “Scrum Anti-Patterns Guide.” He has developed B2C as well as B2B software, for startups as well as corporations, including a former Google subsidiary. Stefan curates the ‘Food for Agile Thought’ newsletter and organizes the Agile Camp Berlin, a Barcamp for coaches and other agile practitioners.

View Comments (2)

  • Great book !!! All HR organizations should have it in order to recruit appropriate Agile people ( SCM, PO and Dev team) and to understand recruiting a Agile minded person is not like recruiting a project manager person

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