Scrum anti-patterns

The Peril of Adhering to Legacy Systems, Processes, and Practices — Scrum Anti-Patterns Taxonomy (1)

TL; DR: Adherence to Legacy Systems, Processes, and Practices Administrative overreach and micromanagement in Scrum mainly arise from clinging to…

Scrum Anti-Patterns Taxonomy — The Big Picture of Why Scrum Fails?

TL; DR: Scrum Anti-Patterns Taxonomy As the editing process of the Scrum Anti-Patterns Guide is nearing its end, it is…

Jira Anti-Patterns

TL; DR: Jira Anti-Patterns If you ask people to come up with popular attributes for “Agile” or “agility,” Scrum and…

Help Select the Book Cover of the new ‘Scrum Anti-Patterns Guide’ by Pearson

TL; DR: Red or Blue? I need your support, dear community. For months, I have been working on turning the…

Agile Micromanagement — Seriously? Making Your Scrum Work #27

TL; DR: Agile Micromanagement There are plenty of failure possibilities with Scrum. Indeed, given that Scrum is a framework with…

No Sprint Goal, No Cohesion, No Collaboration — Making Your Scrum Work #26

TL; DR: No Sprint Goal There are plenty of failure possibilities with Scrum. Given that Scrum is a framework with…