Food for Agile Thought’s issue #204—shared with 23,376 peers—turns to Scrum TPS to 3-5x quality and value; we learn how to weave strings of Liberating Structures to achieve a Scrum Team’s goals, and we adjust our approach to handling organizational change.
We then kill our product backlogs; we embrace the idea of #nocode MVPs, and we come back again to the question of user story sizing.
Lastly, we ask: how come that so many agile transformations still fail, given the wealth of knowledge accumulated on the topic over recent years?
Did you miss last week’s Food for Agile Thought’s issue #203?

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🏆 The Essential Read
Product Coalition): Is Your Agile Transformation Failing, Too?
(viaAnt Murphy asks: if we know that change is hard, why do a staggering amount of transformations still fail?
Agile & Scrum TPS Strategy Knotworking: turning ideas and ambitions into reality
(viaBarry Overeem shares an example of how a Scrum Master can use Liberating Structures to help a Scrum Team turn their ideas and ambitions into reality.
(via InfoQ): Scrum & The Toyota Production System, Build Ultra-Powerful Teams
Pierre Jannez notes that marrying Scrum and TPS improves quality and value creation by an x3-x5 factor.
...But Your Kids are Going to Love it
:Len Lagestee points at the importance of understanding the current state before leaping ahead with a change approach.
📅 Liberating Structures Scrum Workshop — From Product Strategy to Roadmap to Sprint Review
Join us for another exciting LS Scrum workshop on September 7th, 2019, in Berlin. Following up on our first workshop, We will continue exploring LS microstructures, weave them into strings and apply those to Scrum’s soft underbelly — the product side, or figuring out what is worth building. Please note that this class is an advanced Liberating Structures Scrum workshop. The class is not suited for beginners to Liberating Structures. Also, you need to have a good understanding of both Scrum as well as product management in general. The workshop language is English.
Product & Lean
Justinmind): Jason Fried wants to delete my backlog
and (viaJustin Jackson shares a short video with Jason Fried, in which Jason advocates to kill product backlogs, being ‘dangerous, horrible’ things.
Free Code Camp): How We Built Our Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
(viaJohn Saddington shares the story of how started—without coding.
DZone): What Is the Right Size for a User Story?
(viaAllan Kelly shares his criteria that a User Story should meet—independent of size.
📯 Scrum First Principles
Popularized by Elon Musk, utilizing first principles thinking to solve problems in an innovative, creative, and less biased way has proven popular in the tech community. Given that its sibling empiricism is an integral part of Scrum as a framework, applying Scrum first principles thinking is also a useful exercise.
Learn more: Scrum First Principles — How to Elon Musk the Scrum Guide.
📅 Scrum Training & Event Schedule
You can secure your seat for Scrum training classes, workshops, and meetups directly by following the corresponding link in the table below:
You can book your seat for the training directly by following the corresponding links to the ticket shop. If the procurement process of your organization requires a different purchasing process, please contact Berlin Product People GmbH directly.
📺 Join 1,575-plus Agile Peers on Youtube
Now available on the Age-of-Product Youtube channel:
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