Download the Cargo Cult Agile Checklist

Welcome to the Cargo Cult Agile Checklist Download Page

You want to know the state of agility in your organization? Here we go: Download the checklist, distribute it generously among your colleagues, and run a quick poll. It will only take 5 minutes of their time–and then analyze their feedback. If the average number of checkboxes marked is higher than nine, then you are probably practicing cargo cult agile in one form or another.

If running the cargo cult agile survey is the ‘inspection,’ then consider adapting your approach to being agile by kicking-off a discussion among the stakeholders of your organization’s endeavor.

How to Use the Cargo Cult Agile Checklist

Download the printable PDF of the Cargo Cult Agile checklist and distribute it generously among your colleagues. Ask them to go through it and check all boxes that apply to your organization–it will only take five minutes of their time:

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Run an analysis based on their feedback and assess your situation:

  • 0 to 2 boxes: I’d like to talk to you how you managed to do that. Care for a Zoom-call?
  • 3 to 5 boxes: Well done! You’re on the right track.
  • 6 to 8 boxes: There is room for improvement, a lot of improvement.
  • 9 to 14 boxes: If you haven’t recently embarked on your journey to becoming a learning organization, it is probably time to change your approach.
  • 15 to 20 boxes: Okay, start over with becoming agile–it is not working in your organization's current set-up.
  • 21 to 25 boxes: You either haven’t started going agile yet. Or you are sugar-coating command-and-control structures to look “agile.” It won’t work, by the way.

Please note that downloading the Cargo Cult Agile Checklist will also subscribe you to our popular, professionally-curated weekly 'Food for Agile Thought' newsletter if you aren't already subscribed. You may, of course, unsubscribe at any time.

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Categories: Downloads
Stefan Wolpers: Stefan, based near Hamburg, Germany, has worked for 18-plus years as a Product Manager, Product Owner, Agile Coach, and Scrum Master. He is a Professional Scrum Trainer (PST) with Scrum.org and the author of Pearson’s “Scrum Anti-Patterns Guide.” He has developed B2C as well as B2B software, for startups as well as corporations, including a former Google subsidiary. Stefan curates the ‘Food for Agile Thought’ newsletter and organizes the Hands-on Agile Conference, a Barcamp for agile practitioners.
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