Survey poll

Join the AI for Agile Practitioners Survey — Why We Need Your Insights

TL; DR: Join the AI for Agile Practitioners Survey As AI tools become increasingly integrated into our work, agile practitioners…

Help Create the Anti-Patterns Canvas

TL; DR: Introducing the “Anti-Patterns Canvas” Join me in developing the Anti-Patterns Canvas, a dynamic and free tool that extends…

Scrum Master Tasks: Join the 2024 Survey Now!

TL; DR: Scrum Master Tasks: Let's Bust Some Myths! Rumor says that a great Scrum Master supports one team at…

Agile Metrics Survey 2020

TL; DR: The Agile Metrics Survey 2020 Let’s stop guessing and start crowdsourcing data and information on this critical topic:…

Remote Agile Survey — Let’s Stop Guessing, Join the Study

TL; DR: Join the Remote Agile Survey There has been no shortage of articles on how to work remotely recently,…

Agile Metrics Survey 2020 Design — I Need Your Help

The Agile Metrics — Who Is Using what Metrics? The Agile Metrics Survey 2020 Design: Usually, we start an initiative…