Product roadmap

Escaping the Feature Factory

TL; DR: Escaping the Feature Factory — Refocussing From Output to Outcome The feature factory fate is not inevitable; there…

Janna Bastow: Lean Roadmapping and OKRs — Hands-on Agile #42

TL; DR: HoA #42: Lean Roadmapping and OKRs w/ Janna Bastow In this energizing 42nd Hands-on Agile session on Lean…

📺 Roman Pichler: The Product Owner — Hands-on-Agile #38

TL; DR: HoA #38: Ask-Me-Anything w/ Roman Pichler: The Product Owner In this energizing 38th Hands-on Agile session, Roman Pichler…

Product Discovery Anti-Patterns Leading to Failure

TL; DR: Product Discovery Anti-Patterns Scrum has proven to be an effective product delivery framework for all sorts of products.…

Product Roadmap First Principles

It's Product Roadmap Building Time Again! The end of 2020 is nearing, and it's product roadmap building time again—at least…

Product Roadmap Failure: Stop Setting Them Up To Fail

TL;DR: Product Roadmap Failure: Stop Setting Them Up To Fail When dealing with product roadmap failure, stop debating whether you…